searching for inspiration
I met a patient today who had "exploratory" surgery to remove a cyst on top of her brain beneath the meninges. Her surgeon was in his first year of practice after his residency. Well, since I met her in neuro rehab, you can probably guess that something didn't go too well. Apparently, there we numerous complications after an extremely long surgery that were not warranted... there was negligence involved. The woman has severe short-term memory problems and due to extreme disequilibrium, cannot walk. The most remarkable thing about it is her strong spirit, her desire to improve and her positive attitude. Her husband was just as incredible... her whole family was wonderfully supportive in fact. He takes care of her, is with her every waking hour of the day and manages her care. Without them, she would not be the strong woman she has become, with a will to live and a desire to heal. They both wear Lance Amstrong's yellow band LiveStrong bracelets. Never has the sentiment seemed more true.
Her husband is fascinated with my desire to go into medicine. I am amazed at how he doesn't let himself be jaded by what has happened to his wife as a result of a doctor's mistake. How wonderful that he truly looks at the world in a positive light. "You'll be an amazing doctor," He says, I raise an eyebrow and give him a skeptical look. "Just because you really care about people, I can tell in the way you listen to us and talk to us," he says. They have been married for 24 years. I wish her luck in her rehab.
It's inspiring to meet a patient and family with such spirit.