Friday, June 02, 2006

no one on earth

there is nothing like time to clarify things in your mind. Being removed from things can give you a perspective on them like no other. Recently, as I am thinking about how my life might progress as I enter the next phase... medical school... I have started to think about what is important to me... and what things I have learned about the world from my view:

1.) no matter how much you want something, you just might not get it, and you have to be o.k. with that, knowing that it is what it is meant to be. sometimes it's good for you to not get what you want, you just don't know why yet.
2.) no matter how much you care about someone, you cannot make them care for you in return, so don't waste your time on people who don't care about you at least as much as you care about them. This applies to those of the opposite sex and same sex. There will likely be a lot of days in your life, but not enough to invest emotionally in people who don't care about you. have the power to know when it's time to give up.
3.) your life is what you make it. it's like the take the lemons of life and make lemonade saying.
4.) life is too short to be pissed off at someone all of the time. laugh at yourself. it helps.
5.) don't blame other people for your problems. they are your problems, so either take responsibility for them , do your best to deal with them, and seek help or counsel when necessary.
6.) do nice things for others whenever the opportunity arises. karma is a powerful phenomenon.
7.) there are a lot of good people in the world. it's up to us to see it in them. don't put people down for their shortcomings, you have them too.
8.) be proud of who you are and what you are. stand by your principles, from wherever they are derived. also give others the respect of listening to their opinion.
9.) be positive about the world and your life. Yes, not everything that will happen in life is a positive thing, but at least you'll come out of it with your head held high.
10.) realize others are not mind readers and don't know what you're thinking or feeling unless you express it. communicate as best as you can, and be honest about your feelings.

always searching

good song: "No One on Earth" by Above & Beyond


Blogger Maureen said...

LOTS 'O' LOVE coming straight at ya from the heart of Texas! xoxo

Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:18:00 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

Rules to live by...Great post....

Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:34:00 AM  
Blogger Maureen said...

I keep coming back to read this post since it is so good!

Monday, June 26, 2006 5:07:00 PM  

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