Thursday, October 12, 2006


I'm tired. med school is taking it's toll on my energy. the weather has started to change as well and this has not helped at all. I think the high today is 40 or something of that sort. I am not used to this cold weather and all I want to do is curl up in my bed and take a nap for the rest of the day.... I glance to my kitchen table, currently stacked with textbooks... biochemistry, histology, anatomy... they call my name, convincing me not to fall, not to fall, not to fall....asleep or otherwise.

I'm tired of people pretending to be something they aren't... can't we just be comfortable in our own skin and appreciate others for who they are, as they are? we all aren't meant to be friends or lovers or neighbors. if life is an endless search for those who are like-minded in goals and ideals, how does it seem that it might come naturally to deny it when you stumble upon one who might fit that description? the only answer I can think of is fear. love youself, then you may love another. and do not fear the future. but more importantly, do not fear the present. be kind to each other... you will live longer.



Blogger Maureen said...

Um yeah, in grad school people put on airs also. It is quite annoying.

Friday, December 15, 2006 5:33:00 PM  

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