Friday, February 17, 2006

pet peeves

Now I don't mean to bitch about things so much, so keep in mind as you read that there are positives in here somewhere.... and aren't we all used to my ramblings by this point?

First up, a pet peeve for you... it seems like every other time I use iTunes, I have to go to the damn apple website and download a new version! Now this wouldn't be so bad, except you can't use iTunes while doing this, and it's not just an "update," it uninstalls and reinstalls the whole darn program... so whenever I just want to download a new cd on to my ipod, something that could potentially take 5 minutes ends up taking at least 20 after re-starting my computer, ect... not to mention it re-installs quicktime too! grrrr...

I'm working on my FAFSA for med school, which means in a few days I'll get an email that says I'm expected to contribute 15k to my education per year, because, apparently, all you need to live on is 12k per year. I'd like someone from the department of education come and find me a place to live where a thousand dollars a month could pay for rent, utilities, car insurance, phone, food, and (God forbid) a new pair of shoes once and while. I'll guarantee even Kirksville's not that cheap. When I'm going in to a full-time program next year, how can they reasonably think that anyone would be needing the same amount of "supplemental" money as when you made a 40 hour/week income? poof, your income disappears, and if I'm not working, how does that income become fully replaced? How does that make sense or is that even close to being fair? And I know, the life of a poor student should cost less than the life of someone who's employed full-time, but I don't want to live in a cardboard box in some alley, or my car for that matter (even though I do love her, dent in the hood and all... read on for explaination of said dent)

Another pet peeve! HIT AND RUN bumper car games on the street. Ok... so I like parallel parking as much as a getting a bikini wax, but please, to hit someone's car (in this case, *mine*) with your huge ass trailor hitch, leave a giant scratch and dent in the hood and not even leave a note??!?!?!? My gosh, I got an estimate on that nice little "love tap" today... $800-900 to fix (500 of that which will be out of MY pocket) because either a) some jack can't parallel park to save his life and had no insurance or b) some jack can't parallel park to save his life and just doesn't give a sh*t. Where has all of the responsibility in this world gone? people are so selfish and rude. If I were to suggest something that I would wish for the world (and you can't say world peace) then I'd say people need to be less selfish and more tolerant. so there.

The above being a question I got asked at my interview @ SLU, which I really enjoyed! The campus was beautiful, students helpful and happy, in a non-competive atmosphere, across the street from the amazing level-1 trauma Saint Louis University Hospital and attached also to a brand new children's hospital, as well as affiliated with 8 local hospitals around the St. Louis area. They have several student-run programs, including a spanish clinic, homeless clinic and other community based services. It's a catholic university, however that emphasis is much greater in their undergrad programs than in the professional programs (the law, med and dental schools, ect) do not require theological classes for a professional degree. I like the idea of getting my education at an institution that includes ethics and morality and a religious perspective, because it's something that's not about to disappear from our society, or people anytime soon, and people are always affected by their beliefs when it comes to matters of medicine. So why not keep a little faith in a profession where it seems that it may be so easily lost? to believe in science and science alone is unrealistic, lonely and so absolute... where is the hope? where is the love? where is the human part of life in that? I'm sorry, but you cannot take the person (and by person, I mean "soul" or what have you) out of medicine therefore it can't just be "science." It seems like people today are too busy being offended or proving something's absolute that they lose their faith in life and healing.

...and another.... med schools taking their sweet ass time in getting back to me... even when my application has been complete since November, (ahem, UA!!!!) Did you know Kirksville called me less than a week after my interview? Now that's what I call getting down to business. SLU is supposed to get back with me in 4-6 weeks... I suppose I can wait a bit longer, it's just frustrating that the whole application process takes so darn long, it's pretty much equal to 12-15 months prior to actually starting the program that you have to wade through primaries, secondaries including numerous essays, interviews, sending letters of recommendation... ack, at the end you're almost ready to just pass out and give up! tell me about your day...then I can think about something else!