Tuesday, March 22, 2005

in the absence of consideration

Let me just climb on my soapbox today to say that I have the right to be a annoyed... and no, it has nothing to do with "ladies days" or a lame excuse like that. Who decided to give us students another two days off and not let me know?? Right now, I'd like to ask this of not one, but two of my professors who decided to cancel class on the day of class with no notice other than a piece of paper plastered to the classroom door both yesterday and today. Thanks, guys.
If I, a twenty-two year old over-worked and sleep-deprived student, can get my butt to class every day, why can't you, the teacher-- get your butt to class too? And you could at least have the decency of letting us know about these things sooner so we could have extended our snowy vacations by half a week!?!
Ah, consideration... I assure you, is not overrated.
Hey, I'm all for making this semester go by as fast as possible. Class? Ha! Who needs it anyways. Hand me my snow boots. I'm outta here. As if my effort wasn't already holding on by a thread...



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