Thursday, May 05, 2005

life as an adult

this is what I've been contemplating today as I've just experienced having to set up the utilities for our new place... there's so many things you don't want to know about life as an adult, so many details and formalities that are apparently important, yet mostly unconscious. By the way, see pictures of the new casa here, it's humble, but it's charming.
I'm taking a break from studying... all of my finals are next week. I've really just wasted about an hour and a half watching this movie with Colin Firth and Heather Graham on one of the satellite movie channels. The movie was pretty dumb, and he's much better in the Bridget Jones movies. I think in a lot of ways Colin's character in those movies seems like the perfect man... Mark Darcy-- he's intelligent, kind, softspoken, thoughtful, artistic, charming, adoring and handsome. So what if he's a bit too many years my senior and not a real person? It's a mere triviality, really-- I have hope I'll find mine someday... or else he'll find me.


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